My iPad Apps
The iPad app-store is not the best with respect to search and comparison of the overwhelming number of available apps.
This small entry lists the applications that I use the most or that I expect to use more.
Dropbox - many things have been said. It is a must have
Note Taker HD - has a nice solution to note taking. The “Edit mode 2” shows an enlarged view of the editing area. Thus when you write you can squeeze more into a page and it looks more as if it was written on paper. If your hand writing is recognizable to Dropbox you can even search you handwriting if you send pictures to Dropbox.
Todo - has very good integration with
Goodreader - extremely useful for reading PDF documents. In particular I fancy the cropping tool which enables you to remove blank margin space of a document such that letters get larger more readable.
Instapaper - I prefer to read longer pieces of text lying down. Insataper allows me to mark pages in my regular browser and read them on the iPad. In most cases Instapaper is able to show only the actual text of the article. That is menus, advertisements etc. are removed.
Friendly - a Facebook client.
Twitter - the official twitter client.
Wikipanion - access Wikipedia with a good reading experience.
IMDd - when you see a movie and thinks: where have I seen him before?